Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Birth of Sailor Cherry and the Death of "I Can't"

So, we have been in WA state for 1 year and 4 months.  I am not going to lie and say I love it.  My poor husband can't roll his eyes hard enough everytime I make a snarky comment about the weather.  That being said, my list of things I am looking forward to delivered.  Although I haven't been snowboarding, yet, I have experienced and understood the culture here way better than last time. 
So, my list
1. The Hackmans
2. Roller Derby.
3. Possibly snowboarding
4. Experiencing a different culture
5. Having my kids close to grandparents
6. Less bugs?
7. Can you tell I'm grasping here?
#1, It is amazing how much you don't realize you miss something or someone until you have them back in your life.  Close friends who know everything about you and love you are indispensable. 
#2. Well it's what this blog is about, really. (see next paragraph)
#3. Not yet, but we may be here awhile considering the housing market took a dive and we're just going to have to wait it out.
#4.  I've drank like 4 cups of coffee in the last 7 months, a record for me!  Seriously.  I have decided I'll keep an open mind about it.
#5.  The kids love playing at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  They love their dog, their chickens, their neighbor's donkeys, and Grandma and Grandpa, of course.  I am so glad that visiting their Grandparents can be such an experience for them.
#6.  There are significantly less flying cockroaches, lol!  However, in the summer, the flies and bees make me glad The DH bought me an electric fly swatter.

So, Roller Derby!!!  I like it more than I thought I would.  My first practice was the end of July 2011 and consisted of a lot of falls and suicides in Walmart skates barely fit for a session!  The next day I couldn't get up or sit down without excruciating pain.  I went to every practice available and then did a session skate once a week for the first couple months.  I ditched those white Walmart specials for a pair of actual Derby skates (Riedell She-Devils), passed my skills test, picked a derb.y name, and was rostered for my very first bout on October 15th, 2011 
Before I started derby I was anxious, depressed, and quite frankly not much fun.  I had become a "Mom" and didn't know what that meant or even who I was anymore.  I started taking Zoloft and understood that what was happening was something chemical that I couldn't fix on my own.  I also learned that exercise kicks depressions ass!  All that anxiety started dissipating and soon I wasn't overwhelmed by every little thing that didn't go exactly as planned.  I noticed my legs were strong again and my core could support weight again.  I learned that I am a hyper person by nature and that I actually crave exercise.  The inactivity of my life and moreover the complacency I had developed was kind of killing my spirit.  Like many women, and now men, "Roller Derby saved my soul" and more importantly it brought Betsy back.  It has given me a sense of purpose and empowerment that nothing had before. 
Before derby everything was "I can't" or "It's too hard".  It's not like I don't have days or even weeks where I don't feel super awesome.  For instance, in March, after my first job interview in literally years, all of that yucky came back and knocked me on my ass quicker than a can opener to the sternum.  I was blindsided by feeling not good enough for the first time since I started derby.  That feeling carried over into everything!  I was bad at making breakfast, being a Mom, being a wife; I was even bad at DERBY!  Ugh!!  After a very long crying spell one Sunday afternoon and some words of encouragement from my biggest fan, things got back to my new normal.  But even when days are tough I have still learned what people have been telling me for years, "I can" and more importantly, I will! I have been a stay at home Mom and Army wife for nearly 6 and a half years and have spent countless days and nights handling the house by myself all the while feeling incapable.  But when I strap on roller skates and pads, I'm somehow not incapable, I am empowered!  For literally the first time in my life, I have a sport, friends, and some form of purpose. 

So, to all those ladies just starting derby and loving it but feeling bad at it, here are a few insights, 1. you're only gonna get out what you put in.  2. YOU CAN! 3. Sucking is the first symptom that you're actually learning.